Hour 6: A Sense of My Ideal Day

Today sun fills my open hand with birdsong, flows along my arm, tickling fragile hairs awake. A drift of mint reminds my nose of dappling leaves waiting for me. Water flows across my toes as I share a drink with the garden. I wander on,…

Friendship 1/2 marathon poem #6

Friendship 1/2 marathon poem #6 Feeling friendship Sensing love Needing cuddles Having fun Feeding feelings Laughing joy Wanting friendship Here today. (C) Scott Coe 2020

Paleokastritsa, Corfu (ideal day)

Light skips and sparkles across deep blue water and schools of fish swirl beneath our boat. We are a blur of laughter and hugs. We perch on the boat’s edge and dangle our hands into the blue bellow. Then we enter the cave: dark, cool,…