someone tossed the towel in the quiet of the forest morning if a tree gives up in a forest while no one is watching does it make a sound? does it even fall? or will pride glue its branches to the sky standing vindictevely though…
Tag: image prompt
wheat field
being buried is end to most things but not really come back years later and see how everything grew without you, see how you paid tribute to the very dust that spat man out in the beginning you may have been buried but things still…
portals would be a solution
I wish there was a way to say I miss you from right next to you my voice so close you can hear the longing, my breath fanning against your neck and my hand inside your hair too much longing gets lost in the distance…
some of my half-knowledge on circles and related topics
some things are circular in their precision golden ratio meets pi meets sience, petri-dishes magnetic fields (oval? but still) meets a car flying around a curve wheels about to break out because physics

Too clean
fresh white lots of light someone famous slept here Or thats what they said if thats the case how old is this bed? Here lies the body of another one gone sent to the edges where the riches meet the lawn who might sleep here…
blue hour
your departure left an imprint fragile slip of a dried flower I keep revisiting behind the glass of my memories frozen in time like your smile blue like the submerged ice on a glacier goodbyes are always deeper than they seem layers of emotion warped…
drowning with a view
drowning in a city is easy, smog covers the scene, you can choke as loudly as you want to and your next door neighbor will have the decency to look surprised when the ambulance arrives; he does not know you, nor you him and that’s…
The Serial Killer’s Haiku
(for hour 10—the image prompt this hour) The Serial Killer’s Haiku black-purple death shrouds bursting with putrefaction finality’s stench
drowns his worries in a bathtub, compartmentalizing and filling each thought into a bottle to pour out shot by shot another day one at a time or too many at once till he is drunk on the confusion swimming in what overwhelmed feels like there…
Bird Watching
(for hour 3—image prompt) Bird Watching She’s gone off the trails In her bright new dress Amid reeds and cattails In search of heron’s nest Traversing crag and rock Merely watching us wave Frustrated shock Watching her scare birds away