Magic Or Black Magic?

In the darkness She felt serene Yet Always welcoming The danger unforeseen In the silence Everything felt like a dream Sometimes Such that, It could not be seen In everyone’s eyes She was a queen But She longed for the one, Who was unseen In…

Prompt 2-Magic

And lo, I stood above the clouds, breathless Flying birds beneath me swirled, restless To travel beyond my elevated sight Everything for once seemed right Revolving around the planet I saw it all Now below there was a war Only hatred flowed with ignorance at…

21. Magic

Magic Money is Magic It creates all the best things and experiences in this world Money is Magic The more you share The more you receive That’s why Money Is Love Like Love It’s getting more powerful the more you use it Actually you cannot…

Poem 12: The Last Chance

“Last chance to see” The woman in the scales come one, come all to the Mermaid in a stall The man in the checkered suit waves his gloved hands at the tent last chance to see a bit of remaining wonder a con that only…

Magic Question

Why am I here? Why am I on the Earth? Why is it me, my mother did give birth? This is the Magic Question. Ask sincerely, it answers itself.

Elemental -Prompt 1

Earth, Wind, Water, and Fire, fueling all that we desire. And yet that base is often attacked. Yes, based on history, but more myth than fact. The world dangles not on elemental ire- As science has shown whenever we enquire. Yet still, this spell asks…


The moon looked down Saw the earth beaming blue With ocean filled with mermaids and gardens where fairies flew. The moon sparkled silver And rays of calm crystal fell on earth; Hush!the wind Rush the enchantress. Go look now, there she is with magic smeared…

Two wrongs don’t make a right.

A Drifter and a traveler, were always solider of fortune, travelling on trail of time, sinking in their experiences, of burning and bruises, of marks on skin which weren’t enough to bleed, of fire which was still alive with air they breathe, seeking their way…

The Witching Hour

After hours the soft moonlight slips along the crack of the doors, the windows are illuminated like the back of a movie theater screen, and the witches step out, throw themselves from rooftops on broomsticks. Some lay low, preferring not to cast a silhouette on…