The Closet’s Secrets

It was a closet, but not just any closet The wall at the back was fake And you could push it to the side If you knew the special way Behind the wall were treasures Stacked up decades high Shelves and shelves of memories Were…

My Magick Pen

My pen is more than just a pen It bleeds words from the soul It’s connected to the universe In ways most will never know It holds a spark of the divine It’s more than just a muse At times the words it pours out…

What is Love?

Love is a time I left behind But cherish every day It’s unicorns and magick wands And the sound of falling rain It’s a Token song from years long gone Grilled cheese at 3am It’s stickers from the Dollar Tree And laughing in the bed…

10 Word Soup

It’s hour nine and this prompt just sucks 5 words out of ten? But all ten words are made of meh So I guess I’ll go my way again I’ll ramble about nothing Until a poem just appears At least I’ll make the deadline Before…

Milky Ways of Diamond Dust

Milky ways of diamond dust Across a desert sky Flames that dance within the night And carry wishes high Upon the winds, up to the stars Where the gods can hear Smoke rings dancing in the dark Before they disappear Some say magick isn’t real…

There’s Not Many

There’s not many Who could say They saw me through My darkest days When times were bad There’s not many In fact, there really Isn’t any Who had the strength To see me through There’s not many Not even you So know I’ll be fine…

The Dark at the Edge of the World

There’s nothing there; just emptiness A void so deep and dark That you could fall forever And never make a mark No stars to twinkle merrily No moons to show the sun Just a darkness made of black With nowhere left to run This is…

The Crime Scene is an Empty Room

How did so much come to nothing Leaving just an empty space When everything was over And there were no truths left to face Just aching walls of silence With a window to the past Highlights where it all went wrong And where we tried…


For fifteen years I did my best To honor all those vows We shared before Goddess and man But I had to get out He had a mistress those last few years And I could not compete When I tried to intervene He’d knock me…

32 Little Poetry Projects

Twenty little poetry projects Is the prompt for hour three With images and metaphors This prompt is not for me Twenty lines that contradict The lines that came before One with “slang you’ve never heard of” Another showing less is more I sat and stared…