Problems with Solutions

Inner city blues Success has many clues The answer solves what’s real No matter how you feel   Sing a simple song of life That ends the violence, starvation, and strife That lets factual knowledge now be heard Where wisdom isn’t a foreign word Sing a…


Abandonment feels like this Staying out of the reach Of waves. Sitting pretty on the beach longing to mingle with the roaring oceans To be dissolved in eons of life Stay away human You will drown.   Shining neon On a lone road Attracting wasps…


Whether you desire it or concede it You can’t love it but life needs it I only seek it so I can give Or do I seek it for the life I live I love life, so I must have it to exist My heart…

Living Fantasy

Though the dragons may be gone The princesses all rescued And once shining armor becomes dulled and corroded Still, heroes live on.   The live of a hero is one of passion and courage. My soul sings for romance, My heart beats for passion.  …

Damn rain

You feed the flowers Nourish the soil But your falling drops Only bring me toil Thunder roll Do your best While go back To sleep and rest @KateJannuzzi

Hello from Kaye Vivian

When you are a writer and you get to be a certain age, the accumulation of a lifetime of experience, emotions, ideas, learning, and wisdom suddenly seems to want expression. I have written all my life, from as early as I can remember, but it…

Letter Written From the Edge of Delirium

Dear 1986 Self, I was once told I had a bright future, But I never bought the shades or learned to read the map, so losing my way has been the least of my worries. Though your effort noble, the dissipation of faith in (of…

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