Mine Very Short Love Story

I got goosebumps at midnight, when he held me tight. We looked each other being lost in each other side. millions of days are gone Now he says hold our baby’s finger tight.

My AaBb Poem

As dusk emerge as black is on verge. Book of love opens believing,you are still there in my pages.


Distance, not mere word kills me like sword. Feelings desire for him needs want him craves search him, at last its only dark and grim. The roses, deep in my pages finds him missing the way he is kissing. Distance remains the same stupid, quiet…


If we can’t fill tiny stomach, let us try to save one single grain that made tiny stomach drain. If we can’t make tiny face happy, let us try to be a clown that will make their sadness down. If we can’t take care of…

Her World

Bare feet with dwindling heat, entered this world with hope of her own world. The world,gloomy,grimmy disheartened her, every stride frightened her despite she imagined her own world. Rose queen killed by her thorns, left nothing to torn. She rose again with hope of her…