I think that I shall never eat A poem lovely as most cheese. A cheese whose hungry body is prest Against my taste buds, Mmmm – the best! A cheese that sits with God all day, And learns to sit, and sit, and age; A…
Tag: ode
Ode, Dear
An ode by any other name would Still read just as obsequious Any great poet writes an epic ode Any praiseworthy topic will do! Wordsworth commended duty – Pope in high praise of solitude Keats was prolific at acclaiming the generally obscure; nightingales (his poetry…

#21- An Ode on Reading
Taking me to different universes My own personal medium of transport Books whisk me a way leaving nothing behind Heart of mine racing I love them so with all of my heart and soul Reading always makes me feel like I am home Affiliated…
Ode to my father-in-law #thepoetrymarathon #prompthourtwentyone
Who came into my life even before I was married As I followed his Court for the sheer entertainment A man of temper, particular to a fault, no mumbling And bumbling in that Courtroom was allowed. He tried to take the place of my own…
Ode to Babies – hour 21
They laugh and they sigh but babies do cry; a form of speaking, aye! An automatic and frantic spike of infants and toddlers alike. First motionless and cradled, now flip and they wobble able and once helpless bait now prey like sharks in wait. …
Ode to Facebook
Oh my love, my darling love, and in the words of a well known song, ‘you’re my favourite waste of time’ my opening to the outside world. My lifeline how you trap me in knowledgeable clutches you ensnare. I demand to know how many likes…
An Ode to Old Odes and Poets We Owe
Keats was the guy our English teachers fawned all over ‘Ode on a Grecian Urn’ spellbound many a napping student, when not making their stomachs churn Coleridge, Wordsworth, Shelley all dutifully took their turns more recently was Neruda, in love with socks – a sartorial,…
Ode To A True Friend (Haiku’s)
He was there indeed… As I cried and slowly died! A lover and friend. We could not remain… Lovers till the end of time. Friends we are this day! Our love had no end. We cannot see us apart, At least, as best friends. Thank…
Ode to a Bed
Mellow hollow, shaped by time, Safe, familiar, soft and warm. Where I sleep, sit and recline, Dawn to noon, to dusk, to dawn I mostly live inside my head, And leave my body on my bed. Prompt: Sleep Form: Ode
You are my favorite food group. Thank you for your brewing, brooding ways, your dark deep stirrings, your faithful dry roasted boost. No matter how many lumps I take, no matter how low the day goes, there is always a mermaid mug of Joe….