Oh my love, my darling love,
and in the words of a well known song,
‘you’re my favourite waste of time’
my opening to the outside world.
My lifeline how you trap me
in knowledgeable clutches you ensnare.
I demand to know how many likes I have for every single share.
Ecstasy washes over me 20 likes, 3 hearts. Whoo hoo
Depression descends, no likes, why don’t they love me anymore. Boo hoo.
Oooh, Jenny’s eaten an ice-cream, well it was a hot day.
And Sandra’s walked three miles and announced it via Nike.
Sarah’s baked a cake from BBC online recipes
And I have liked and loved them all in virtuality.
I must go now and put you down to rest
for it’s crucial for me to sleep unlike you my virtual lust.
Ping, ping, are these more likes?
I’ll just quickly peek and see.