The earth was flat when he last looked sitting at the kitchen table, concentrating hard, with wooden pieces strewn haphazardly across a red checked tablecloth. Europe had disintegrated into pieces with eastern wars erupting; troubles breaking worlds apart flood and famine tornadoes, hurricanes, disease,…
Tag: #poetrymarathon2023
V- Visions
Bronzed skin catches dying light Muscles flex, heaving, at the end of the chase Her breath slows, though she sits anxious still She waits for the wood to darken– she moves best in the moonlight A familiar bush sits to her left and she smirks,…
12:00 PM – Walk Around Heaven (Hour 4)
If I could Walk Around Heaven I would quickly break out into a run and jump into the arms of Frances and Bernard momma and dad Squeezing tight with an unbreakable grasp bracing my heart and steady my focus to hear them…
IV- Pauper
Coins fall through a poorly sewn pocket, and clatter dully on the cobblestone. An opulent, imposing carriage rolls thoughtlessly over the copper. The Lord and Lady inside peer out, eyes locking with the friendly layman’s soot streaked smile, though they prefer distance over satisfied curiosity….
III- Flight
I cling to mountain rock weary from fruitless migration. Wind tussles my feathers, bids me unwelcome. Ancient oak whispers of wisdom, promises peace. Coquettish waves push and pull, winking an invitation. I release my talons and dive into the open air. I seek guidance in…
10:00 AM – I was (Hour 2)
I was a juggler an artist like no other launching objects in air to fly with my subtle guidance their trajectory arched to my whim and wiles grabbing more to balance and amaze my audience performing tricks to titillate their fancy…
II- Communion
Chalices of legend jeweled, coveted, rare pour their contents slowly into the pungent Earth Water, ageless yet eternal waits for the emboldened traveler Wine, refined by time is fickle in its wisdom Blood, precious but reluctant flows freed from splitting skin The chalices empty,…
9:00 AM – A Matter for My Heart (Hour 1)
The peace I feel and yearn to achieve compete for my concentrated focus do I choose contentment or ambitious hope white light over green heat that tension is the anthesis of what I seek ~ d², 09.02.23, 9:51 AM Copyright D…
I- Passage
A watchful eye hopeful, lingering through the night on grayed hair falling, landing unexpected, invasive Heavy steps in creaking hallways Sagging skin draped from tired eyes The pale rider catches my gait, sees me lurking bitterly in the shadows He stops, observes then carries on…
Check Point – hour 1, prompt 1
A check point vacant this is how I start the game wordless and alone. – Sandra Johnson, 9/2/2023