Christmas with Men

Christmas sucks. I loved Christmas as a kid. I was conditioned to hate it.   Angry men. Possessive men.   Tantrums with blown out candles and spit on my car. Joy only with permission. I don’t want to remember the past.   Not at this…

Table for two

“Two, please” he had uttered the phrase countless times in so many places around town squiring so many different women money never a problem success, women followed him all his life joined him in misadventures big, bigger – even bigger a big tipper, gregarious everyone…


I have known women who could be classified as animals; tigers, panthers, mama bears. Fortunately I never dated a snake and avoided most of the cougars.   Most. There were others who were cat-like, reflexively, flexibly, stealthy. Fiesty. Or exotic creatures.   As a younger…