Early morning, in the quietness of my mind, I see your luring light as the yellow lines pull me towards you. Still relishing in my unvarnished thoughts of you, pure honest The leftover night air begins to lift as I try to wrap this goodness…
Tag: prompt one
Cloak of History – Prompt One
Opening ceremony so many new faces so few old and recognizable ones. The past rushing forward slamming into us with a vengeance. This is how she found us “the past draped about us like a cloak.” (after Diana Khoi…
Hour One- Untitled
We have a chronic case of Right place, wrong time. Spending 12 years just missing each other. Just missing each other at the store, The bars downtown, The bed we used to share. Holding tight to the two years we got together. I get…
Struggling (prompt 1) ~ My beloved struggles hourly, his life parsed laboured breath by laboured breath. I listen/don’t listen, struggling myself wondering how long how long how long Like a heartbeat I hear it, the refrain: how long how long how long 3…