Hour 22 “Children Have Always Been Cruel…”

Hour 22 9/3/2023   “Children Have Always Been Cruel…”   Children have always been cruel – they haven’t yet learned their humanity or the “accepted” behaviors of their generational society.  After they HAVE “learned”, they BECOME that society and their current cruelties are accepted as…

Just my Opinion

In my opinion there are some who confuse love with other emotions and such; things like obsession, possession and control. None of these things are components of love. Love has nothing to do with hate or the devil. I do not believe that there is…


The soft padding of paws  slip through the jungle growth,  pushing aside dinner-plate leaves  and pressing Crayola flower  in the sponge below them.   The mirror glow above a scenting nose  is all the warning given  as the crouch becomes a leap  and a heartbeat…


I belong here by right of my own birth by right of my very existence so why am I worth so little My skin, my brown skin, my largest organ that protects me from the elements cannot protect me from hate I am alive and…


here I fall, these shackles bind my wrists, my ankles and my neck too and this heavy chain to hold me together as if my limbs will fly apart shall I hold my breath? I’ll hold it for now watch the sun shrink to a tiny star…