Keep glib quotations away from me Remove patronising soporific poetry   I don’t care for prayers   Nothing satisfies or placates me in your inevitable absence   I still rise early to greet you to make you laugh and tell you stories   To hear…

Gentle Mockery

There goes the wit wit wit of the bird’s call “Zhe ge dong xi” Foreign murmurs The creak of the ceiling fan Clatters of various keyboards Breath blown across the surface of hot coffee A cacophony Under the sign that has a finger to its…


  Better to start with what I Haven’t missed. I haven’t missed the meals I skipped When the choice was art or Bread I haven’t missed money Unless I was broke and begging But I’d miss any page gone from these shelves I haven’t missed…

Holy Order Time Forgot

She hails from holy order time forgot Sworn to uphold code with honor wrought With sorcerous song to heal sad and sickly And send wicked to caves of ice thickly Warrior monks fighting for futile balance In a musical world doomed to silence So heroes…


The hum of the refrigerator The scratch of the dog’s claw’s on the door Bird songs in the distance It’s very quiet, but There is no such thing as silence