Poetry Marathon Hour 7:

Okay, it only took like forever, but I think I’ve hit my stride! How great is that? Alrighty, so hour 7 “my foolproof recipe for mending a broken heart” From the teal blue Burn after Reading prompt journal. Which is great because I was super…

Poetry Marathon Hour 6:

I genuinely cannot believe we are already in hour 6 – it feels like I just woke up and also like I’m an 80 year old woman aching in her reading chair well after midnight. LOL! But that’s okay I’m here I’m ready! I’m stretching,…

Poetry Marathon Hour 5:

Another prompt from I am Incomplete without you – which is honestly one of my favorite prompt books ever and is probably the most valuable thing I’ve ever invested in. Your Name is _________ and you are important. Your name is ______ and you are…

Poetry Marathon Hour 4:

Whoot, making progress, doing all the things, I am so very excited to see what I come up with this hour and what you folks do too! My prompt this time around is “Where do the stars go?” and it is from a pre-made prompt…

Poetry Marathon Hour 3:

Again I am using the “I am incomplete without you” prompt journal by Iain S. Thomas and this time I’m using page 63: A bird that can eat words lands on this page, what words does it eat? And What words doesn’t it eat? POEM…

Poetry Marathon Hour 1:

It is 6 am for me, and we’re getting started with coffee and all the support I’m crying tears of joy before sunrise even happens. So that’s great. Anyway, for poem one I’ve decided to go with the fitting prompt: Wake up Darling.   It…

Poetry Marathon Prep Pt. 2:

This is me, seeing how many prompts I can write to in a single hour. Peace Pirate Poetry May 2022 Prompt Responses: Too Late: If you know you’re going to be late, too late for the showing, or so late that even the ice in…