
I keep reminding myself that I am a good man. Mistakes were made. I made. Do not define me. Lesson I learned have made me. The better man. A better man. Who I have become. Is No who I was.

Poem #6: Body

These eyes have hosted a million tragedies This heart has fought a thousand battles These hands have handled a dozen mishaps These feet have walked a score of miles These fingers have picked at hundreds of scars This head conjures terrible things These bones are…

Poem #5: Conqueror

I am the conqueror I own every victory I climb every mountain I set my flag and shout into the distance I am the queen I am FIERCE My muscles burn like fire My physique sculpted out of ashes I will never quit I rush…

Mountain Goat

Climbing and leaping Like a mountain goat Leaping in joy over distant stones Climbing and falling Falling and climbing Alone, yet with Joyful heart Trusting my “hooves” Right on spot Who is afraid of Falling anyways ? Falling down On a stony ground Dignified death…

Spiritual Teacher

“Immovable by storm Firm as a mountain Composed in praise or blame Union of strength and tenderness..” Seema Sahoo ©