You did it! Congratulations! I am very impressed! You wrote 24 poems in 24 hours. This is an achievement that few poets ever accomplish. Although if you are a returning marathoner, some of you might be accomplishing it for the second or third time or fourth or even fifth time!
Now you should probably go get some sleep.
After every marathon I have participated in I, have been filled with exhaustion but also a tremendous sense of achievement. I hope you have that too.
In the past I have personally verified that everyone who applied for a certificate was eligible and then I would make a certificate. That is not possible this year and so we will be operating on the honor system.
If you completed the full 24 hour Poetry Marathon please consider the following certificate yours, to update with your name, to print if you choose to do so. We will be taking feedback into consideration, so if you really feel strongly about this new state of affairs please email me at to explain your position.
Only use the link below to access the certificate if you have completed the Full Marathon. Congratulations again on your completion of The Poetry Marathon. The version that you will download should be easy to edit and add your name to.
The link to download the editable version is here.
The visual example of what the certificate will look like is right below this text.
Also remember that this year we will be putting together a 2019 Poetry Marathon Anthology.
Submissions will open July 2nd and stay open till the 16th.
All submissions must include two poems, no more, no less. The subject line of all emails must be Poetry Submission. Poems must be included in the body of the email. The email address is poetrymarathonsubmissions@
All poems submitted must be written during the 2019 Poetry marathon. All poems should be completely edited and contain no major grammatical errors.
The first word of every line should not have a capitalization unless it is intentional! Word has an auto caps feature that you can turn off by following the instructions below.
To turn off automatic capitalization, follow these steps:
- Go to Tools. | AutoCorrect Options.
- On the AutoCorrect tab, deselect the Capitalize First Letter Of Sentences check box, and click OK.
You must indicate which hour each poem was written in. Only poets who completed the whole or half marathon will be eligible to submit.
There is no guarantee that by submitting your poem will be selected although the goal is to include one poem by everyone who submits.
Digital copies will be made available for free to any contributor. Print copies will be available for a reasonable price and any money that is made from them will go towards covering the cost of the marathon.
Want to know what the 2017 Poetry Marathon Anthology was like? Pick up your copy here.
Thanks, Jacob – got mine for the half-marathon! I appreciate the clear instructions and will not only be finding my two best to submit but will also read others to give them encouragement and to help them choose their two best!!! Just a wee typo to alert you to (2017 should read 2019 near the end of the post)!! You did it!! Thanks again to you and Caitlin – awesome experience!! I am so grateful!!
Thank you so much for your kind words! I don’t think that’s a typo. The only 2017 I see is the link to the anthology for that year. Maybe I’m missing something!
Thank you for your hard work in organizing this event. I enjoyed writing the poems very much.
May I legitimately claim that I completed the marathon if I wrote 24 poems within the designated 24 hours but wasn’t able to write one per hour? I had to be away from my computer and wasn’t able to connect to the internet during my time away, therefor I wrote the poems once I was at my original computer again.
Thanks again! Wendy
Wendy, as long as you didn’t write ahead, you could do that.
This is my first full marathon. I do feel exultant at finishing, and exhausted at the same time. I’m grateful that Caitlyn and Jacob gave it another go. It was hard work. It will always be hard work, but you do it graciously. Thank you so much!
I just want to add that my submissions became wordier and more prosey as the night wore on. That was interesting to see, and the opposite of what I would have expected. Don’t hate on me. I will do my best to clean up a couple of them to submit for the Anthology. YEA!! I did it!!
I also want to thank everyone that made this event happen. Thank you for the opportunity to present my works. I was honored and thrilled at the same time… Thank you..
Ok, so this was my first marathon. Exhilarating!! I am exhausted but yet, still full of energy ( I’ve worked back to back overnight shifts since Friday, and am at work as I type). I would love to be able to do the anthology, but my exhaustion got the best of me on the last poem..
I wish everybody good vibes and may your inner poet shine even brighter than it did here!! I absolutely can not wait to do this again, (I will have a clear work schedule lol) because I now know that you have to be ALERT the whole 24 hours! This was hard (but rewarding) work!! <3
I am so sorry about your exhaustion!