You are almost there. I’m sorry, this is the hardest part, but I think it’s time for another image prompt. Please choose one of the following images and write a poem inspired by it. All but the second image are from Unsplash (the second one I took), all are free to use however you wish.
I love these pictures. (The feather one could have sent me into a sad, sad, sad headspace, so we’ll save that prompt for another day.) Instead! Here is a poem I really needed to write for the fantasy short story I’m composing for this fall! It “goes with” the fourth image of the cave with light. PERFECT! Such a perfect picture for this! Thank you for this image! It perfectly captures “where” the anchor is housed “now” in the fantasy world I’ve got…where the action “now” takes place. TY!
This post is getting long. I’ll just put the opening stanza here. I’ll post the whole poem over on my page.
The Anchor of Jawll
By Sandy Lender
In the land of Kida, the king left his bride
As was custom for family, custom for kin
He sought the gods’ favor, ‘fore ocean tide
Could overtake Kida’s outer seawall again