Now that this is over
Now that I am done
There are no more excuses
The Marathon I’ve run
Time to stop the snacking
Eating junky foods
My body feels the sugar
And says that it’s no good
There’s still a piece of candy
And several ice cream pops
Some crunchy chips and salsa
Caffeine so I won’t stop
I left alone the Cabernet
Didn’t have a drink
I knew the danger it could cause
Making me not think
It’s time to put away this task
Return to life that’s here
This evening I will eat some kale
And certainly have a beer
Thank you all for listening
I wish you love and peace
Let’s keep the good vibes going
Pray all the pain will cease
I’m feeling this except for the cabernet. Mine would be Moscato. But you write the truth of the marathoners. I didn’t know I could eat so much sugar and drink all that caffeine. Great poem!
Love the rhythm and cadence of this! Perfectly sums up this marathon, too! Great job!
Love it! Blessings <3