Hour 6 – Prompt 6 – Haibun – “Different reactions”

The teasing of the innocent children felt like barbs that left invisible wounds on the child at the centre. Dark, they called him. He stood stunned and shunned. “Mummy, I need to ask you something” he said to his mother. His mother replied “Yes, tell me”. “Why am I dark when all other children in my school are fair?”, he asked. His mother thought for a moment and said, “It is God’s gift to us. To Him, we are all one, His children. Whatever the world says, you need to find your inner strength and take the right path. Make choices that make you a better person and the world a better place. Just like day and night co-exist, all colours, seasons, and elements of nature have their value.” The next day, when the children teased, the child just laughed along and joined them in their game.

let thunder rumble
strength of roots hold tree upright
cuckoo calls echo

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