Poem 9, Happiness

She ate cinnamon on her toast like every morning.
Her grandma had her tea and her arm had a tremor as she poured it.
Their dog licked her elbow and the girl gave him a small piece.
Her grandma glared disapprovingly.
She hurriedly finished and left.
The sun is high in the sky, brightening the beautiful bayou.
Her grandma yelled out the door to take her jacket,
but she didn’t hear.
Running through the woods with her dog at her heels,
she sings and laughs as he picks up a stick to bring along.
The treehouse her father built her is up ahead.
Shhh, she tells her dog. They walk quietly up the ladder and sit near
the window.
Elk and deer are grazing, so unaware of their beauty.
She sighs in happiness.
They stay until sunset and return home, shivering in the cool wind.
Later, her grandma puts a bucket next to her bed,
giving her a knowing look.
Before the sun rises, the girl is coughing so hard, her dinner comes up.
Her dog’s ears flatten with worry.
She can hear her father’s car enter the carport and the lightbulb in the hallway
flashes on.
He has come home to her!
With gifts, she hopes.

He comes to tuck her in as he always does and kisses her temple. 

Tomorrow. He pokes her nose, anticipating her question. 

She is still smiling after she falls asleep. 


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