
Hour 12 Where there is hope, there is life Where there is hope, there is faith Where there is hope, there is courage   With faith, courage and life we can achieve unachievable With hope we can think big If we think big then only…

Stealing Lines

24 Stealing Lines Hour 24 becomes the kaleidoscope poem that I couldn’t write in hour 17. The light rays penetrating the canopy become the spokes of the kaleidoscope turning fractals of green yellow warmth on the forest floor. As I write the last poem the…

Hour 24 prompt

HOPE Hope emerges Like a ray of light, Like a guiding star, At the end of a tunnel of despair. Hope, whispers softly To rise To see beyond our tears To see beyond our failure. Hope gives us, An anchor A stability to rise A…

“A Glimpse of Hope”

    The last light of the day, Before my last words. I close the blinds from behind, And can’t even fathom how I get here. Amid losing all the balance, There’s hope. A glimpse of it. Pushing me towards the precipice To finish what…

Crossing the Finish Line

Is hope more of a wish or a prayer? Does it have to do with string? Is it a goal or objective or song? Or just some everyday thing? Does hope spring eternal as the poem says or perhaps the poems are just mush I’d…

Prompt Twenty-Four – Because they Hope

Prompt Twenty-four – Text Prompt – Write a poem about hope.   Because they Hope   Hope is the best there is. Was she not the last one out of Pandora’s box? There is always hope, even against hope. Till the end, till the very…

3 AM Pancakes – Hour Twenty-Four

3 AM Pancakes I’ve grown so accustomed to you being there I can no longer sleep when you’re not In fact, here I am with my 3 AM pancakes Alone and unable to sleep It’s funny that years of sleeping alone So normal and now…

The place I am truly myself

  “Closets are a big deal inside a house, but also metaphorically. One can be in the closet, or come out of it, for example, But they are also places of safety and joy for small children, or where a monster is lurking, depending on…