A Bountiful Day

Suppose we do return again as animals,

well, Alfred is the dog I want to be when I live again.

Notice his wizened eyes gazing upon us with both

pride and majesty on his spacious chair ready for his next nap.

Having traveled the world on grueling expeditions and youthful larks,

he has known bitter, uncompromising work and exhuberant, blissful adventures.

He now reigns over his house with his seventeen children, eighty-four grandchildren, and

too many great-grandchildren to keep track of as he listens to them all bark

their birthday greetings. Ah yes, today is his bountiful day as we celebrate his bountiful life.

6 thoughts on “A Bountiful Day

    1. Thank you, Koso.
      I laughed outright when seeing the dog in the picture. I immediately fancied that the party was for him, and then I thought “I’d like to be that dog.” Not really at first, but then with more reflection I though, “Heck yeah!” I remembered the start to “Davis Matlock” in _Spoon River Anthology_ –> “Suppose it is nothing but the hive;” and decided to start with a twist on that — allowing for a hypothetical to emerge. Besides, time was running out as the next hour approached, and I just needed to start writing.
      I’m going to look for your poems now.

    2. Hello, Teresa,
      I mistakenly thought your name or nickname was “Koso” earlier. I just went to your page to begin reading your poems. Foremost, I am sorry about your loss; your grandfather’s passing such a short while ago surely brings pain and tender moments when you least expect them. Second, I saw that your poems are marked “Private.” May I read these? I will not impose if you do not want me to read them, especially because your introduction explains how you will be exploring themes about your grandfather.

    3. Hello Jan,
      I live the closer looknintonhow that poem came to be! makes me like it even more.
      you’re welcome to look at my poems! I just made them private so non-marathoners can’t see them. I had no Idea that was also visible in the title but I guess I do now 🙂

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