Poem 24

The night drags on and still I sit here Alone in my room with just my pen with me These are the nights to be remembered fondly Where a task was given and was then completed I have stood against the night and I have…

2022 Poem Twenty-Four

One More   One more trip to the bathroom. One more poem. One last hour. One more drink. One more hit of my vape. One more distraction. One more pet of my cat. One more fresh squeezed idea. One more pen. One more round of…

Stardust (2022 Poem 24)

Stardust You loved that song I had forgotten Until this moment Now my heart aches You loved daisies too I will not forget again I would carve it all into my palms Before I too am Stardust (Prompt: Write a poem that starts and ends…

Text Prompt -Poem 24 Hope

Hope Hope for the best in all situations If anyone has told me I would finish the 24 hour marathon I lost hope when I took a nap I came back on and could not find the publish button I did not give up but…

Shantaram (2022 Poem 23)

We often dreamt of astral travels Walked through corridors of dreams Danced a slow waltz in Austria And the last tango in Paris Graced a castle in Peru Strolled at midnight through the Louvre Wore the Crown Jewels to breakfast Broke bread with Elvish Kings…

2022 Poem Nineteen

Untitled   Life is a McDonald’s ice cream machine, always broken, and I am high in the drive thru at 2am. I cannot check a McBroken that does not exist. There’s no FTC to investigate. All of Life’s competitors make sure to mock me on…

2022 Poem Eighteen

A Vegetarian’s Nightmare   The long line of tail lights barely illuminate the Parking lot that’s still too wet from earlier’s rain. The sky has no moon, no stars, only clouds drunk on the threat of more puddles to fill this under cared for and…

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