
Preaching tenderness he smiled at her, steaks on grill now picnic for one – Mark L. Lucker © 2022 http://lrd.to/sxh9jntSbd

Hour Twenty Two- Dreams

half- formed dreams surround the dim corners   Source: An erasure poem culled out from Pg. 152 from the novel, All the Possibilities by Nora Roberts.

Hour 22: who’s the monster

i watch you, hawk-eyed though it is you who’re preying on my misery i watch you when i turn this way or that somehow you’re always in my field of vision throwing your head back and laughing at some silly joke SHE’s told you and…

Hour 22

I find myself in a ballroom, baroque ornaments decorate the ceiling. Twirl like royalty and spin until the room turns into a maze turns into a forest turns into an open field. Here the ocean spreads, as mountainous waves sprout from a single seedling, so…


See the dawn break and know that Night lied This is the lie that she tells she whispers it every night Night needs you to believe that she has conquered the sun But each morning it rises as proof that Night has not yet won