Shrink ourselves grand

Golden Shovel: “Let us do something grand” from “To the Poem” by Frank O’Hara She refuses to let herself go so she drags us to the park and we all do lunges and squats and make our bodies be something smaller. She jokes, “let’s shrink…


Golden Shovel: “Oh god it’s wonderful” from Steps by Frank O’Hara Now, when he comes home late she just says, “Oh.” Now, when she feels alone she talks to god. Now, when she suspects the worst she knows it’s Now. Just now. And the coffee…

My Inner City Classroom Pantoun

‘Round and ‘round the hatred goes by day in the classroom, at night on the news how or why it starts, nobody ever knows even when it’s personal, haters seem confused   by day in the classroom, at night on the news verbally, physically, my…

We need what?

We need food We need shelter We need to feel safe We need to survive   We need money We need jobs   We need education We need careers   We need support We need drive We need passion We need discipline.      …

Who is in need?

Those who want, say, “we need” Those who have, say, “we bleed” Some who are desperate plead “we need” Yet those in power confess their greed.   “We need food!” They hear the chorus cry. “We need medicine” They watch them die.   “We need…