Let Him Choose His Own Path

Notice the way he walks
and watch how he does not divert
neither to the right hand or to the left
See the rigidity in how he stays on this path
for this is what he was told was wise

Yet he has not considered
if this path of his is the correct one
and if it will get him where he means to go
I wonder the value of his dogmatic adherence
if his destination is not the one he chose

He must be aware of the probability
that though his commitment is firm
it is his initial heading that will fail him
He must reconcile the likelihood
that other paths do exist for a reason

There must come a moment
when he hesitates in taking the next step
and logic dictates he at least examine his options
He will truly be forced to choose
to display discernment or abandon wisdom

Following the path of his ancestors
for no other reason but that they did it too
Is not the decision of Solomon but of a fool
Still if he desires to walk with integrity
let him choose his path for its own merit

2 thoughts on “Let Him Choose His Own Path

  1. Nice way to make folks contemplate “If all your friends jumped off the bridge, would you jump too?”
    Also, I like the reference to Solomon. Lots of folks today could sure use some of his wisdom, huh?
    Nice job!

  2. This is definitely your style of poem and story telling and I love how wonderfully that comes through. I also think its cool that this was sooooo you so late into the event – thus proving that poetry tends to be at its best when we really don’t overthink it or try too much.

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