Witnessing the Sunset with mixed emotions, theatrically sad
Watching Fireflies after a little Rain shower, enviously amazed at their magical glow
Mister Moon, a little too shy to come out but peeking still
And not to be outdone, a gang of Stars radiating their own twinklers albeit some Clouds
A Bat, flying low, nowhere to land
Formidable Trees in the dark, casting shadows eerily and magnificently alarming
Nocturnal Sounds abound, was that a lonely Cricket?
Or a shy Gecko? Or a lost Toad, perhaps?
Nature at its best! Failed muteness, silence undermined,
giving one’s sense to overreact
A lonely lamp post with flickering unnatural light
Not a help though
And a Soul, alone, traversing the Nature’s path
With quickened steps, goosebumped, cold sweat
Unmindful of the loveliness of the surrounding
Giving in to wild, spooky, very rich imaginations
Saying a little prayer “Guardian Angel, don’t sleep yet, be on guard!”
Or a little wish…
“Hurry up, Tomorrow!”