I am strapped to my wheelchair
My legs lie still, will never kiss Earth again…
But they cannot weigh my heart down
For that muscled fella has eyes
That dream big of conquering mountains and fears alike,
Of scaling heights and sailing through seas of sorrow,
Of manisfesting in mine mind, a city of stars
Stars stitched together, parodying hope
Gave birth to the city of lights
That shines like a beacon from afar and gently guides you
To itself and then to your core, your soul
Where you can see millions of stars
Dancing around the bonfire of desire, of hope, of failing, if getting up..
Like the death dance of spiritied fireflies, who Sway to the tune of the melody of their fate
And you wonder; what is death? What is life?
What is this city of stars?
Is it but a space, a chasm? A mirage?
Or is it a silver lining in the clouds…?