


Hour 12

How strange is this connection,
not by blood but met by fate,
your friends make it live a heaven
Unknowingly, if you meet your mates,
No matter how long the period
those gathering with loving friends,
You Found someone in the hostel team,
Some friends met with notes
some got glued with sips of tea
Many together wandered the streets
Gradually friendship got new depth
and brought them new colors
Some became best of friends
and some were secret partners
The hearts of some have met
and somewhere the threads of protection have been tied
To clear the misunderstandings
sometimes crying, sometimes celebrating,
Sometimes explaining
Is it part of my memories too.
Now that it was time to part ways,
Gatherings a gain will bring everyone together.

There will be nostalgia, there will again be laughter.


One thought on “Gathering

  1. A wise meditation on the seemingly random yet fateful meeting of friends—the rhythm of meeting and gathering. Sometimes the deepest connections begins with the most casual intentions—like wanting to eat or drink something, and then we talk to the people around us. Sweet mystery of life!

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