This is not a solution
To take hastly that decision.
You’re exhausted about this life
You want to take the dredly step.
You’re so helpless.
You have no hopes.
You have no dear ones.
You’re an orphan.
You have so many dreams,
Those are always flying.
You have no strength,
To catch tightly on hand.
You’re gradually faded-
Now the final decision-
“Suicide “— for a better conclusion.
Think thoroughly-
You will regret finally.
You’re at the cliff of roof.
Now what are you trying to see?
Below is your world.
Where is your fear?
Can you see them.
No— they are going to sleeping realm.
You can boost up yourself.
Look at the sky-
So lively— like a new planet.
Will you want to smile?
Will you want to enjoy this time?
Conquer your fear.
Feel your spiritual power.
What can you see?A new appearance of yourself, really!