Poem 10 | {Infinite Universe}

By Ajanta Judd All Rights Reserved – 8am Australian EST

Prompt 10: Please listen to Moonshadow by Cat Stevens (Here’s the handy Youtube link) and then write a poem as soon as the song ends.
{Infinite Universe}

I was born searching for my star and was offered this galaxy

It was almost too much to cope with at times

And me, just the tiniest speck amid this vast gathering

Way too minute to register on the universal radar

Insignificant but, breathing all the same

My steady lup dup heart mimicking the pulsing of distant unknown stars

Protons, electrons and neutrons circling each other

Repelling, attracting, pinging

All vying in a game of one-upmanship

Different formula, same dance moves

conjuring up the next spontaneous combustion

A big bang

A tiny pop

An apocalypse perhaps

Every now and then unexpected turbulence or, a devastation

Perhaps a sixth dimension intervention

Exquisite, ephemeral, eternal, ineffable

I was born searching for my star

Was offered this galaxy

And ended up with an infinite universe

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