By Ajanta Judd All Rights Reserved – 4 pm 28/06/2020 Australian EST
Prompt 18; Hour 18: Write a narrative poem set during a holiday. It could be a poem based on your own lived experience or it could be an imagined event. A narrative poem is a poem that tells a story, but the story does not have to be compete, nor does it have to be told in a linear way.
{Road Trip} Conjoined Haikus
We traced her thick skin
Skimming a flat miraged plain
Trees tantalising
As our eyes squinted
A shimmering horizon
Taunted and deceived
The vast nothingness
Was strewn with wheat and lucerne
Grass parrots rejoiced
Above the skyline
Foliage danced and cavorted
Hanging in mid-air
Birds with not a care
Fighting over fresh roadkill
Bitumen graveyard
Occasional rise
Terrain and conversation
Punctuates silence
Wheat wheat forever
Farmers and eagles harvest
Grain. Marsupial.
In the far distance
Faint rocky outcrops emerge
Bringing aesthetic relief
A nondescript creek
Meandering with intent
Welcome to tired minds
Blink of an eye towns
Solitary general store
Bain Marie delights
The Newell Highway
Can’t wait to get to this place