Poem 19 | {Belonging} 

By Ajanta Judd All Rights Reserved – 5 pm 28/06/2020 Australian EST

Prompt 19; Hour 19: You can use this either as an image prompt, jumping off the image below to write a poem, or you can write about what it’s like to be one small part of something bigger.




She dwells within and without
Unnoticed in the forest glade
Her nature is to blend in
A small part of a large whole
The majestic gums are her friends
They nurture and support
She observes the passing seasons
Contemplates the comings and goings
The rising and setting of the sun
The glow of a burgeoning moon through the tree canopy
as silver cloud mountains hover above
Quietly she sits observing
contemplating the nature of things
The enormity of the universe
juxtaposed with the tiny spores
of pungent fungi growing at her feet.
Drinking it in, breathing it out
reflected and reflecting
There is no separation here
She is greater than the sum of her parts
Integral to the interconnectedness
and richness of her environment
Glancing at the stars, she settles in for the night
Comforted by a deep sense of belonging

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