Hour 12–Closet Clutter

My kind and generous husband

occupies just one wall of the closet

well, kind of—

my clothes intrude even on the back of his closet rail;


then there’s the safe for important documents 

readily available

i swear,

it was there


now i order a third Social Security card;

hey! here’s the 1960’s

furnace manual from our last house;


i had the idea of creating a morning meditation space

but that idea was abandoned

when i couldn’t get up from the floor


now when did that ability disappear?

was it in my 47th year?;

then evidence of well intentioned attempts at organization

but it’s so overwhelming

i give up

throw the unorganized junk

back into the closet

now even more disorganized than before;

its gotten so cluttered I’ve pushed

my husband to the linen closet as his dressing room

and what type of crap do i have that i

think i absolutely needed?

really i dream of being a


but she must exist in another Universe

my generous gracious


now occupies the

linen closet—

thank you for the space

Photo credit: @faithlee @upsplash. Faith Lee, Upsplash

poem ©️ AJ Bostelman, September 2023

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