In Transition

As time passes,
New leaves sprout on my English Ivy.
New growth stretches towards the window.
Towards the sun.

As time passes,
New truths are shared in my family.
with my friends.
More people know who I am now.
But not enough

As time passes,
My kitten matures into a cat.
He grows closer with our dog, his sister.
They care for each other.

As time passes,
I get more fed up with my body.
The things it does each month,
The fat placement,
The mammary glands.

As time passes,
My siblings turn into adults.
Once toddlers, now teenagers
Almost mature.

As time passes,
I wish for a full beard
and wonder how long it will take to grow one
once I start testosterone.
I hope it comes quickly.

As time passes,
my “transition” progresses,
but I am not the only one,
the only thing
in transition.

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