Hour Eighteen – JOY

Prompt Eighteen – Write a poem about a moment of joy.



We had waited for this call for seven long years.

‘Hello,’ I answer, quivering with my fears.

‘We’ve found the perfect match,’ she said.

‘All sweet and pink, with a roundy round head.


Euphoric heart sinking, I whisper, thinking,


‘She’s polydactyl,’ said the voice.

I scream silently, losing all poise,

‘What does that even mean?’

The voice continues, gentle, unseen,

‘She was born with two left thumbs’

Wild relief, wild wild relief strikes me numb.


‘We could continue the search,’ I hear her say.

‘No,’ I shout, ‘we’ll be there today.’

‘We’ll be there in the next few hours

To see her, our baby, just ours.’


I sink to my knees to speak to the God above

‘Thank you, Thakur, for sending us a daughter to love.

I haven’t seen her yet, but I know she’s mine.’

And there was JOY in the moment, perfect, sublime.




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