Prompt Thirteen – Aye, Write!

Prompt Thirteen – Text Prompt

Describe your profession through a funny/humorous poem.


Aye, Write!


A Fighter?

No no, a writer. I write.

You what?

I write, you know? Words? Pens? Paper?

Well, I never. You write for a living?

Not much of a living out of it, but yes, I write.

So, is your handwriting great then?

No no, I write stories, you know.

Oh aye, sure you do. Tell me another one.

Truly, I write poems, stories, articles, novels.

And you do this… because…?

Well, because I want to.


Oh hell, because that’s what I do.

Like a dancer dances, a singer sings, a doctor…

A doctor cures people. What do you do?


I can cure people too.

My words can shock you out of stupor.

They can turn black and white into colour.

They can thrill the chill ill out of you.

They can make you weep at the beauty of the wild.

Or notice the innocence of a child.

They can turn the ignorant into a saint.

We are the ones who can paint

new futures for mankind,

but not leave history behind.


Come to me when you’re lonely and sad,

I promise I’ll have words to heal.

Bring your bitter heart to me,

I can help to make it feel.


But, what if they don’t?

What if I like my phone better

than your poetry or your letter?


Well, then I will have to eat my words, wont I?


5 thoughts on “Prompt Thirteen – Aye, Write!

  1. As a writer, I approve of this poem! I like that you mentioned the doctor thing. It’s fascinating how people like to compare what we do with what doctors do. I always say no profession is greater than any other. We need doctors. We need writers too!

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