Obsolete are watches, clocks ,cameras and phones designed by Alex Graham Bell.
All these replaced by a hand held cell.
We, the aged yuppie
make way for mellinials and Gen Zee.
Remember when we had boom boxes blasting,
Now it’s singing by tick toking
and talking by musical rapping.
On demand channels, by You Tube, Netflix and Spotify.
Previously TV programs were on less supply.
Social media, a virtual means of communication.
Whatsapp, we chat and texting, now the preferred means of conversation.
What next, I dare to question ,
from the protégés of our next generation
Perhaps time travel through the portals, reminiscent of ” beam me up , Scottty”
Or even better, a regenerated, ageless me!
I love this. It explores so many ideas, so swiftly and in such a fun and engaging way.
Thank you so much for your kind words
I liked the rhythm and beat of this poem – I would also like to both be ‘beamed up’ and regenerated!