Ocean’s of Emotions ~ a Pantoum

waves come crashing in again
the tide swelling within
breaking itself upon the stoney shore
feelings can linger there no more

the tide swelling within
drowning, my heart sinks
feelings can linger there no more
purging, to clear it again

drowning, my heart sinks
waves come crashing in again
purging, to clear it again
breaking itself upon the stoney shore


©2016 Amanda Potter


To each their own

I say


We all betray

creating the cliche


of the angst we carry


the blaming, the hurt

How do we heal?

Face it! You’ll deal.


Acceptance and responsibility

Is key


Creating motion, no longer frozen




©2016 Amanda Potter

the poets challenge

My thoughts are wandering

all the words, I’m pondering.


the prompts, some challenging

the poetess is learning


New forms, and definitions

Here’s to posting, quick decisions


The sounds of music, echoing

while the pen is beckoning.


The marathon, my wrecking ball.

destroying my

cement communication wall.


The words, the truth

the stories, and the journaling proof


The volumes of

Emotions, and Memories

Demanding to be free

lying in the dark


Will it be the death of me?


Feeling the pull, guided by more

Sharing, my vulnerability


Learning the technology


Dedicating the time, to love my rhyme

Braving, the cold-hearted world.

Bringing comfort to someone

in time


Can I be that creative light?

The end to another’s plight


It’s healing love shared.



Words that heal and rhyme

it’s the poets time to shine

loneliness impart





How I’ve seen you grow,

almost four decades now.


Most of it, I care not

to understand

For it’s our undivided attention,

you demand.


Fading out, the human connection


intertwining us, like never before


if you’ll look

you’ll find it all

Love and Hate


Laid out in your web

tracing the lives

we live

1010 -8

As I sit here waiting.

Anticipating the coming hours.

The next prompt. That births each one.

My nerves grating, my stomach aching.

My hands and body shaking.

The second hour in, I’m physically sick.

Headache approaches, in the third.

My mind teetering.

Taking the time, to get the words down.

Get them, to the people who need them.

The question lingers, who will read them.


Before Darkness

Gone before dawn

It slinks away


Digging itself into the recesses

of earth, and self


Retreating, able to strike again


Anxiety reigns, in daylight hours

As its prey, seeking my escape


Before Darkness


So Many Words

deep bassy chords, beating my veins


wanting to forget


where i am


haunting voice

singing, striking my soul


taking me away-

not letting me forget


the ache

and another summers passing


So many words

left unsaid, and unwritten

stuck in my head


wanting to forget

where i am



Hours Gone by

The empty space, staring her down

The Clock

Glaring at her, from behind.

Gone were the people

who could drown out the sound

She didn’t dare turn around.


Studying the wall, towering and creeping

keeping her mind, as loud as she could

Noticing the cracks and openings

Tracing back to its conjuring.


Glancing up at the, white round face

it’s black embellishments, sharp and pointy

running its red tongue

around, encompassing

clicking its teeth, with every second

Its eyes moving,

every hour and minute


She could hear it

Trying to block it out

the footsteps in the hall

the alarms in the next room

the voices, that carried, running

along the concrete walls


But it always comes back

to the Ticking


As waiting, has its own





total tech newb


My first group marathon!!

Had some issues getting to this post, and am still very new to wordpress. Any help and tips are most welcome.

I’ve been writing poetry for more than three decades.  I’ve pulled many all nighters while the words flow.

Looking forward to this challenge, and getting to know you all through your words


Love & Light

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