8. Advice to my Children

My advice to my children,

Education! Education! Education!

Nothing better to open an individual’s mind

Where there is love for learning, you will find.


Seek knowledge from the cradle to the grave,

this injunction,  you must follow,

will guide you rightly to behave,

through lifes every high and low.


Education is the key to success,

it opens up every door

towards progress

without which you will be intellectually poor.


Once you have tasted the sweetness of education,

you would find peace of mind and liberation

and without education

you open yourself to oppression



7. Deconstructing Poetry 


Be it  Shakespear or Rumi,

People are intimidated by poetry.

But poetry is just a talented art,

that a poet uses, to write from within  his/ her heart.

There is hardly a hidden meaning,

when a poet is composing.


Haiku, Lymericks and couplets,

are writing styles, like sonnets.

They give to the poem, flavour and form

and with free verse any style is the norm.


Similes and comparisons,  to the words add spice

just as fantastic is another word for nice.

Idioms and methaphors are used

so that plain language may be abused.


There is nothing so difficult about writing poetry,

all you need is a little bit of inspiration

and some creativity.




Brakes slammed hard!

Traffic comes to a halt!

The ambulance light flashes

as it navigates on the emergency lane.


Cannot move forward or reverse.

Stuck in traffic!

Claustrophobic , confined to the interior of my vehicle.

The heat rises from the black tar

in waves of smoke,

mixed and mingled with exhaust fumes.


The air con splutters to a stop


Gas depleted!

Sweat now trickles down my temples .

The sun visor seems oblivious of its inherent duty.

Weary,  tired and claustrophobic,

Stuck in traffic.



5. Social Media


The boy sits bent over his phone,

the surrounding does not matter, as if he is alone.

Smiling to himself, nothing does he hear,

plugs from his phone to his ear.


Everyone can now predict

that he has become a phone addict.

A recluse and an anti social

against authority,  he begins to rebel.


He needs to be at the cusp of every chat

on Instagram, twitter , Facebook and WhatsApp.

All day and night awake,

an exciting  wholesome life, he will forsake.


Social media will be his fall from grace

because he cannot live life at full pace.

The people around him ,worry

about how to get him out of this folly.

Shouting,  threatening even extra loving  they have tried all,

to arrest this anti social, media dependant, fall.


4  The most beautiful


Her tresses,

aglow and aflame,

framed by the backdrop of the

blood moon.


Breathtakingly beautiful,

I stare at her,

my heart beating faster.

In awe of her beauty,

the blood moon hides behind a cloud,



Her breath stills the night,

her fragrance permeates.

The twinkle of her eyes

alludes to a hint of mischievousness


She is the most beautiful creation of God!

She is the most beautiful in the universe!

It is with pride,  I announce,

She is my wife!


3. The hand of God.

Looking for the local beggar

on the street corner

to hand to him, some leftover food

that was wholesome, nourishing and good.


But he was not there!

Were could he be   O’ were!

What would I now with the food do

Before it turns to a messy goo!


Up and down,  I drive on the street.

My eyes searching in the heat.

I am now for work, late.

Were would the beggar be hiding, I berate!


I’m almost at my office  30 minutes later.

Forgotten is the parcel for the beggar

On my window , a sharp rap rap.

Startled, I stare at this disheveled chap.

” Sorry Sir! I am very  hungry,

do you have any food or money”


The food I hand over

as he nods, smiles and saunter.

I think this is profound.

There was a reason why the beggar on my street was not around.

Because God destined that this food for that particular person be found.

2. Cancer


I see her face, once expressive,

now pallid and pensive.

I see her eyes, persuasive and bright,

now full and dark with fright.


Her hair, once full, now gone,

energy depleted, night and morn.

She worries for her children n family,

How will they manage with her so sickly.


Overnight the world changed for her,

when she was diagnosed with cancer.

The trauma of radiation and chemo,

Inspite of this the dread that the  cancer cells might grow.

The pain! The pain! The pain!

On the mind,  body and soul,  a drain!


I try to give her comfort to cope

but I know she has given up all hope!


Marathon Lymerick


There was a poet who loved to write

so he joined the marathon,to get his delight

Inspired was he by his peers,

that he forgot all his fears

and wrote poetry all through the night.

11. Your Beauty

11. Your beauty

Neither Shakespeare, MIlton or Rumi

could ever describe your beauty.

No poet has ever penned such poetry

that would describe you,fully.


Your hair, as soft wisps of cloud.

Your demeanour, apart from the usual crowd.

Your brown complexion,

a sight beyond comparison.


Your soft lips, so full,

at my heartstrings do pull.

Your breath, honey sweet

that makes erratic, my heart beat.


Cheeks rooched with natural colour and passion

Eyes bright and full of expression.

Smile as radiant as the sun.

For me, you are the only one.


These words are just words and in front of you they are bland

As compared to your beauty, so grand


Anwar Suleman

10. Vertigo

10.  Vertigo

How can love be an emotion so low

when it has scaled the heights of vertigo.

It is an emotion so ecstatic

an emotion so raw and realistic.


This love for you! Oh My!

At it’s pinnacle, so high!

Never to fall from grace or die,

Until my end of days, will soar and fly.


You are my love, my sweetheart!

Never, ever let go

of this love, this vertigo!