“Time for Bed!”

“Time for Bed!”

Goodnight my baby

Sweet dreams honey

Don’t let the bedbugs bite.

Close your eyes and go to sleep

We’ll need our rest for tomorrow’s festivities.


I know you don’t want to

And I love when you’re with me

But everyone needs their rest, you especially.

Mum’s going to bed, too, shortly.

Please go to sleep.


No, please don’t raise your voice at me

Please don’t hit or smack or bite

Throw things or kick me.

I’m not trying to be your enemy.

You’re just sleep cranky.


I was your age once.

I remember I didn’t like bedtime either.

But it’s late dear

You need your sleep

So let’s get into bed.


We’ll turn on your nightlights

Get snuggled in real tight

We’ll sing your favourite lullaby as you close your eyes.

Ah, a sigh of relief as you drift off to sleep.

Slip out the room, quiet as a mouse.


Goodnight, my love. ❤️

“Household Maestro”

“Household Maestro”

Bing, bang

Ting, tang.

I make my music from household things.


Cling, clang

Sip, slurp

I could make my music all day long.


Wham, bam

Tick, click

Even I’m getting annoyed from it.







One second. Two.



Frantic search around.

You’re safe.

Eyes flutter.




I’m down for the count.

“Dear Friend”

“Dear Friend”

Dear friend,

You’ve always been here for me.

Through the little, big, and “earth shattering” changes.

And while I’m eternally grateful,

A simple thank you just won’t do.

So instead, I’ll share with the world

That you’re my best friend

And I’m so happy you’re in my life!

Thank you SOOOOOOOO much for all you do.



Listen to the world around you

The hustle bustle of busy streets

The quiet hums of napping mates.

The pitter patter of afternoon rain

The nonstop static in my brain.

The ringing laughter of children

The triumph cries of the brave.

What rich sounds we may hear if only we listened with our hearts.

“Ah, Toads”

“Ah, Toads”


One toad.

Two toad.

Big toad.



Hopping toads.

Lazy toads.

Lively toads.



Ah, toads.



All you need is twenty-four,

All you need to do is keep positive,

All you need is to graduate,

All you need is get a respectful job,

All you need is to find love and start a family,

All you need is to succeed,

All you need is to compare yourself to everyone else.


But I’m not like everyone else.

“An Ode to Dishwasher”

“An Ode to Dishwasher”

Ah, what a relief

To wake up or go to sleep

With no dreams of dirty dishes

Waiting for me.

No longer will my counters

Be full of gross, sticky messes

Or particles cakes on the silverware.

No longer will I spend

Hunched over the sink scrubbing.

Oh, I hope it doesn’t jink my dishwasher.

“Lucky #14”

“Lucky #14”

I’m sitting in cubby #14

In the third row.

They were already here

Waiting for me.

No time to prepare.

Seconds later, it’s over.


They congratulate me.

But my worry isn’t gone.

I don’t feel any better.

I though this would feel . . .


It works, trust us.

Can I?

I don’t understand most of the information.

I’m taking a leap of faith.

I hope this is all worth it.

“The Wait”

“The Wait” Poem #1

Zig, Zag.
Zig, zag.
Zig. Zag.

Through the line

I zig zag

All the way up to the front.


Just like everyone else


Finally . . .

I’ve arrived.

The wait is over.