Prompt nine


Legs and eyes

Nothing in between

Looks that kill

Silk raven hair shining in the dark

Lures you in


You are hooked

No intention of forever

Yet there is no return

Just a night

Just a taste

Fear not my friend

You are not the first

Nor the last

To cross this widow and her insatiable appetite


Prompt eight

Still, we are standing

Lost hope of put together

Where people fell in

we fell out, out of the

light into the shadowy

depths of our dark room.

We keep plenty safe,

Lying to the light coming in

Keeping appearances at we and our

Holding hands in view not love

Too many years without hope and

dreams. We diminish we hold the

door. Talking to the breeze gentle

as we scream at each other in gloom.


“standing together in the shadowy room, safe in our love and the gentle gloom” – Sara Teasdale

prompt seven


Walk away from me

So I can see you

Hands of a lover or do they smother

My soul seems blurry


Walk away from me

So we can get closer

I need to breathe

In order to feel


Walk away from me

Just for a bit

I need hands free in order to see

Will I miss you?


Or do I just miss me?

Prompt six

The Spider King


There is an attic full of creaks and darkness

I often wonder if the spiders fear

What’s beyond the attic door

As I do looking there


I guess we can never know

What each other sees

My eyes are only two

And in darkness they tend to freeze


But spiders they are different

Having a thousand eyes and legs

Fancy a darkness home

A web for those who stray


This web they weave

Feeds the beast

Last night’s misstep

Now a meal for the king


All these creaks I lend my ear

Can only be eight legs crashing

Through the attic through the door

Into my room so safe before


My fear has now taken me

Not in the floor creaking

But in the web of misfortune

Where the Spider King is reaching

Prompt five

Timeless Whisper


I walk to meet the sun

At the water’s edge

Rest my heart upon your bark

You listen

You always have an ear for me

When my beats adrift

Whether in laughter or in tears

Your limbs wrap in whisper

Holding my heart steady

We gaze across the mirror

Still liquid dreams before us

Wondering if the sky is ready

For the sun will take its leave

As warmth dips beyond

The colors sigh farewell

We enjoy our moment

Our sunset

Our timeless whisper

Prompt four



Demons cry on mouths so dry

Bottle fed in nightmare

Hiding in the shadow sly

Forgetting those who care


Bottle fed in nightmare

Waking thirst is high

Under covers eyes will stare

As you attempt a sigh


Hiding in the shadow sly

Tears return to scare

Fear now stopping every try

The bottle calms the glare


Forgetting those who care

You reach for another rye

Bottle fed in nightmare

This is your way to cry

Prompt three




The snow came

As it did every spring

A fresh blanket

Over winters faded fast

Starving on remnants of wishes and want

The skeletons began to show

At first our eyes then cheeks did follow

The hunger rose to meet us

We could not contain what wasn’t ours

We let this storm

Deplete us

Prompt two


Blowing kisses


Lost among the shuffle

A bright star

A leaf rustle

The chill on your spine

Within a warm breeze flourish

My voice has left

This love still beats

Over here

Over there

I kiss the wind for you

I swear

Prompt one



Slate grey skies consumed this view

My hands lost on stagnant winds



As chilled waters fill empty spaces



All direction lost

Where is North?

Where is South?

When pain is blinding

I drop six feet

Into the ready earth

How it beckons me

Fires below

First to indulge



I disappear