Hour 2 – The Ladder

The ladder loomed before her and beckoned,

It pulled her toward it against her will.


I don’t want to do this.


Her eyes looked at the first few rungs,

The ladder was steady and each step looked strong.


Maybe I can do this.


Then she lifted her eyes and peered toward the sky,

The ladder disappeared into the cottony clouds above.


I don’t want to do this.


She looked behind her and the fire licked the ground as it grew,

She could feel it getting closer as she turned back to the ladder.


Maybe I can do this.


She squinted upward trying to see the top of the ladder,

She knew it might be worse that what was behind her.


I don’t want to do this.


A shriek pierced the deafening roar of the fire,

She bolted toward the ladder.


Maybe I can do this.


Her hands grasped onto the sides of the ladder,

It felt cool despite the rising temperature around her.


I have to do this.


Her foot faltered as she pushed herself onto the first rung of the ladder,

She hesitated as she looked above and then turned back to the fire.


I can do this.


Her face burned from the heat and she once again turned her back on the flames,

Her jaw clenched as her grip tightened,

And she raised her foot to the next rung.


I have to do this.


She moved slowly up the ladder,

As drops of sweat hissed in the flames that now danced below her.


I can do this.


The wood began to vibrate beneath her hands and feet as she moved higher,

And her breath caught when she realized the flames were now attacking the ladder.


I can’t do this.


She began frantically climbing upward,

And she glanced upward at the ladder engulfed in soft clouds.


I can do this.


The ladder shuddered and dropped several feet,

She clung to helplessly waiting to fall. But it didn’t fall.


I can do this.


She began climbing again as the fire ate at the bottom rungs,

The comfort of the clouds seemed to get farther away even as she scrambled upward.


I can’t do this.


Her arms and legs ached at the effort and struggled to continue,

Her hands were growing numb and her grip began to loosen.


I can’t do this.


She looked up and miraculously she was almost there,

She steeled herself for the final climb.


I can do this.


Soft wisps of white touched her face,

She sighed in relief.


I’m going to make it.


She moved her hand up for the last few inches,

She gasped as it slipped from the ladder and her body began to fall back.


I couldn’t do it.


Tears began to fill her eyes as the clouds grew more distant,

The heat grew stronger at her back as she fell to earth.


I couldn’t do it.


As she closed her eyes, she was startled by a hand that wrapped around hers.

Her strength was gone, and she couldn’t grab on.


I can’t do this.


But the hand didn’t let go and she realized she had stopped falling.

She was weak but the hand that held her was so strong.


He can do this.


The hand gently raised her and the clouds eventually encircled her,

Soon a bright light shone around her. She was safe. The fire could not reach her.


She made it because of Him.


-Diana Kristine

Hour 1 – Solitude or Isolation

Solitude for the mother who escapes the constant needs of little ones for a moment,

Isolation for the one sick in the hospital longing for a visitor.


Solitude for the businessman taking a week off on a distant island,

Isolation for the widow weeping at the graveside.


Solitude for the one living off the grid in the peaceful wilderness,

Isolation for the one lost in the dark woods.


Solitude for the one that slips on their headphones on a busy sidewalk,

Isolation for the one slipping relentlessly into the grip of dementia.


Solitude for the one taking a peaceful walk through the park,

Isolation for the one who makes the park bench their bed.


Solitude is being alone by choice,

Isolation is having no choice but to be alone.


– Diana Kristine

Ready for Tomorrow!!

Hello my fellow poets,

I am ready to go for tomorrow and can’t wait to see all the great poems we all write!



Excited about the marathon!!

I am looking forward to the marathon tomorrow!

I wasn’t able to participate last year and I really missed it. It always gets my creative juices flowing!


Hi from Diana!

Hello fellow marathoners!

I’m excited about the marathon this year and to read some of your poems as well!
