Oh! Liberty

Oh Liberty! If thy have been so free

Would have let my soul to thee.


Wish to fly away with thee

To the moments of inseparable sweets.


If there had been lil cares of the society

Your ‘Diva’ would have flown to the ‘Right Direction’.


Every moment of bliss is lying with the ‘Elixir’

To make thy future shine like Pixar.


Plea of thy love to extend the warmth of thy arms

Let our souls ecstasize in realms.


Let there be no inhibitions, let thy magic flow

Wish to spend a life so pure.


Nothing can be more awe-aspiring and graceful

Thank the magic duo so immenseful.

The Night with You

Let me give myself resting upon thee

In the trustworthy night with you!


Let the veil of tired eyes

Revive in afresh bliss of awakening!


Let the night kindle with the

Burning fire if intense desire!


Let not the special hours pass by

Plea to ignite the lamp of love with thy warmth!


Freedom is all what I want from thee

I am certain that priceless wealth is in thee!

The Midas Touch

The Midas touch hast made me eternal,

Such is thy pleasure and fillest my soul

Brimming with freshness of life.


At the enigmatic touch of thy hands

My lil, bleak heart loses its limits

In ecstasy and gives birth to utterance ineffable.


Thy Pandora gifts, though days pass and,

Still pourest and still there is room to fill.

I lil know how sing, my Sweets, but

Thy deep brown eyes speak in silent amazement.


Thy sparkling eyes illumine my world.

The holy gaze of our deep rooted love breaks

Though all social bondings and rushes on.

Thou hast captive my heart in the web of thy circle, my master!


Thy living touch upon all my limbs,

Have rendered my body so pure.

Shall keep the truth hidden, till the

End of life, as the kindled reason in my mind.


I plea for a moment’s occupancy to search thy side.

Tete-e-tete and dedicate our life in overflowing leisure.

Shunning away all burdens, I bow to thee,

Where thou keepest company, my desires from thee

Are many and has been wrought through and through.


24×7 I languidly wander in dreams for search of thee

By my side, an uncertain desire, keenly awaiting for thee

To shower thyself into my wide open arms.


Sweets you fill my soul wit thy silence.

Thy perfect sweetness had blossomed

In the depth of my heart!

Oh! My Sweets, the gates of the Direction’s heart

Are opine for thee; I implore thee to

pass like an unfathomable dream.

The ‘Diva’ of My Soul


I am a kind word ‘Diva’ uttered  and repeated,

By the voice of people and nature around.


I am an enigmatic star dropped from the blue tent

Upon the Earth for red carpet treatment.


I am the daughter of the elements

With whom winter coincide;

To whom Spring gave inception;

I was reared in the lap of Summer and

I respite in the realm of Autumn.


At dawn this ‘Diva’ communions with the breeze,

To herald the coming of light.


At dusk I club with the chirruping birds,

In bidding goodbye to the fading light.


The plains are ornated with

My vibrant colours, and the gushing air

Is scented with my fragrance.


As I embrace deep slumber,

The dark Night keeps a vigil over me,

And as I rise and shine, the sun

Be with me as the only eye of the day.


I ‘Diva’ is the Elixir’s gift.

I ‘Diva’ is the reminiscence of moment of eternal bliss.

I ‘Diva’ is the last gift of the ‘Inspired Soul’.

I ‘Diva’ is and will be the eternal jubilance for ‘Thee’.


And I invariably glance up high,

To visualize only the gleaming light,

And never look back to glance at my shadow.

This wisdom, the ‘Diva’ of my Soul transpires in ‘Thee’.

No Penny For Dreams

Hope and dreams
Fill Schemes.

Slippery as soap
Both dreams and hope.

My dreams have seen
The things that might have been.

The sweat it seems
Is a part of my dreams.

I sit by the streams
With moonlight dreams.

I rise up from my dreams
With new found themes.

‘New Found Themes’ come to roam
To the hearth in my home.

Aspiring dreams
So it seems.

Everything it seems
Is beyond my dreams.

But never question my dreams
For they come in streams.

Just chase my dreams
However hard it seems.

I accomplish my dreams
With well thought out schemes.

At times it seems
He is always in my dreams.

Dreams have no logic
But plenty of magic.

Dreams reside
In the magic carpet ride.

Dreams make me whole
With a look into the soul.

Dreams are penniless
Of the soul it speaks.

Let’s start assuming
That life is about dreaming.

Sit by the stream
Dreaming beautiful dreams.

Bearing in mind, dreams will come true
By just using the right glue!


Words Can Do Wonders

Words have quality

That is the reality.


Words can deceive

Like water through a sieve.


Must be properly blended

Words once apprehended.


Words once said

Later we may dread.


The words need weighing

When you recite an old saying.


Words that generate heat

Try not to repeat.


Words that are measured

Forever will be treasured.


Words once said

Later we may dread.


Heartfelt word

Is better heard


Words that say nothing

Can amount to something


Choose your words better

If it is your last letter


With words you must play

When you know what to say


Best words in their best disorder

Will make room for fodder






The Sole Desire

I have no hi-fi desire,
To overcome the mountains.

I have no hi-fi desire,
To bring draught to the water filled oceans.

I have no hi-fi desire,
To tread beyond the dark clustered clouds.

I have no hi-fi desire,
To get the beautiful heavenly sky on the earth.

But I do have a sole desire to-
Reside in everybody’s heart,
Bring glee on every depressed visage,
Overcome any hurdle with indomitable spirit,
Brighten every desolated path;

And I have the sole desire to-

Romance by Chance

Romance has a history

Shrouded in mystery.


Romance will be dead

Unless it is fed.


Give romance a chance

And meet her at the dance.


Take your chance

With romance and glance.


Every new romance

Happens by chance.


If you really care

Romance will be in the air.

A Voice of Choice

Choices are a part
Of voices from the heart.

Without inner voice
You have no choice.

It is all a matter of choice
How we use our voice.

Back your choice
With a strong voice.

I made my choice
Paying heed to God’s voice.

People wish to taint
Have a choice of callous to paint.

Make a selective choice
That you should ultimately rejoice.


Poetry For Soul

Poetry is a craft

Floating on an invisible raft.


Poetry is sought

When life’s battles are fought.


Poetry becomes one of a kind

When images are brought to mind.


Poetry makes it whole

What emerges from the soul.


Poetry will delight

Both day and night.


Poetry is a feel

Like tasting a good meal.


Poetry and food

Both improve your mood.


Poetry once fed

Becomes echo in head.


Poetry is a tree

That gives fruit for free.


There is poetry in lotion

If it is applied to motion.


To poetry and song

We both belong.


Poetry still

Is the magic pill.









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