Everyone dies in the end

Beating around the bush is absolutely pointless.

We all know how it ends. It’s not a matter of if but when.

Midnight has nothing to say to you. Consider yourself

Lucky. In any other universe, he wouldn’t even

Know who you are. Trampled by your own forces

And nowhere left to go. Jump back through the portal,

Climb into bed and call it a night. Trust me when I say

You got off easy, even if it doesn’t seem like it.

So it begins

Let the darkness penetrate your body
Don’t be fooled by the frauds and charlatans
By this time tomorrow, society will have moved on without you
At least you burned through the night

Don’t be fooled by the frauds and charlatans
When everyone else presumed you dead
At least you burned through the night
You rose steadily and exonerated mankind

When everyone else presumed you dead
Another journey around the sun
You rose steadily and exonerated mankind
And not much had changed

Another journey around the sun
Let the darkness penetrate your body
And not much had changed
By this time tomorrow, society will have moved on without you

The last of us

This is what it’s come to.

Being the last line of defense in a

World that struggles to keep from crumbling in on itself.

Whatever the case, I will always be prepared to ward off the forces of darkness.

It’s tough work but somebody has to be out there doing it

Lest the universe descend into anarchy.

Not on my watch.

In the shadows

Somewhere only the darkness is familiar with.

We know how important it is to go there

If you want to know the secrets of the universe.


We don’t belong in the belfry of darkness.

We have a higher calling such as finding a way to

Go to the equator and wait for the sun to strike at just the right time.


When it’s all over, we’ll be able to rise out of the ashes

And be reborn in a new image.

Then, you’ll finally achieve enlightenment.

Alphabetic Anxiety Part 2

No one knows what it’s like to be the bad man. That is

One of the best songs I’ve ever heard.

Probably because it’s so much different and more

Quiet than the lame EDM crap we have today.

Rather, it has a

Soulful melody and the

Timing is simply perfect.

Underneath it all, you realize that, while it’s not

Vivacious, it’s a very well

Written piece of music. It transports you to a state of

Xanadu and makes

You want to leave the world behind and

Zip over to Shangri La.

Alphabetic Anxiety Part 1

Alabaster skin may contribute to your surging popularity

But it doesn’t define you. I

Can’t even imagine why people would get so hung up on that stuff.

Don’t they know how ridiculous it is?

Even if you’re the most famous person in school, it will all

Fade away once you

Graduate. Then, you’ll

Have to get a job at which point

I guarantee you nobody, not even

Jerry, will care about who’s popular or not. But don’t

Kill yourself over it. You’ve

Managed just fine before and you can do it again.

She keeps me warm

And at the end of the day, isn’t that all that matters?

Narrow-minded bigots are always sticking their noses

In where they don’t belong, and it’s sickening. What

No one seems to understand is why they even give

A crap about something that doesn’t affect them in

The slightest. Just keep your prejudiced opinions to

Yourself and we’ll all be much better off.


Go and find it.

That one place where you can hide from the world.

A secure bunker in a world full of straw houses.

Not forever, of course. Just until the world is

Ready to embrace you once more.

Take Back The Night

After all, it was yours to begin with.

Turnabout is fair play. Don’t let the locked doors and

Pitch Black interiors deter you. As long as there are

Still embers left in the fire, no one can ever hold you back.

Take what little you have left, make it your own and see

How far that will take you. The rest is just restraining propaganda.

Behind Blue Eyes

Perception is amplified infinitely. The light ambushes

Your turquoise corneas as it grabs hold and refuses to let go.

Everything screams out at you in a litany of deafening notes

And all you can do is beg to be put out of someone else’s misery.

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