(Hour 19) 16.30pm-17.30pm. TEXT PROMPT: poem for a city, real or imagined

just do it

i never came down to the city often
it’s only a 90 minute drive
but there never seemed a reason
never felt at home surrounded
by so much concrete & so many people

so even though that one particular
peccadillo has been resolved
slowdriving through is still
ten times stranger than usual
cars have crashed everywhere into everything
the road’s blocked in large stretches
then surprisingly clear for others

Ryan avoids main roads where possible
using suburban streets as much as he can
gently nudging now forever
ownerless vehicles out the way
i’ve said it before & i’ll say it again
thank goodness for bullbars

without gps on my phone
i have no idea how to get anywhere
i’m not sure Ryan does either
though i know he did appropriate
an old-fashioned street directory
from one of the farmhouses we’d looted
on the way down

but the city is a ghost in more ways
than crashed cars & peopleless streets
at some point the power had either died
or deliberately been disconnected
where there should be street lights
& lights in windows of homes & shops
now just pale reflections
of the nearly full moon

most disturbing
are the piles of clothing
jeans & shirts & dresses
blown into doorways
handbags & backpacks
dumped on footpaths

& everywhere dozens & dozens
of empty lifeless shoes

(Hour 18) 15.30pm-16.30pm. TEXT PROMPT: moment of joy

glad day

don’t ask me how it’s happened : because i don’t understand : & confess i remain : skeptical : but apparently : a message : has arrived : via the survivors’ underground network : a hodgepodge of crystal radios : gossip & tall tales : paper notes : whisper down the lane : & pigeon post : for all i know : that


Stella & Rueben’s grandparents : are both alive : & in North-West Tasmania : & if not well : at least : looking forward to : their grandchildren’s arrival : at their earliest convenience

sure : two teenagers : will simply traipse : unharmed : over the best part : of three states : for a tearjerking : reunion : in the midst : of the world’s most comprehensive : disaster : ever

Rueben : i’m pleased to observe : remains lacklustre : he seeks more reliable : data : not just the say so : of a bedraggled bunch of lucky-to-be-alives : spiderwebbing : across the continent 

still : watching Stella : arms to the sun : dancing : is a breath stopping : sight : that bubbles : laughter : in even my : grumpy breast

(Hour 17) 14.30pm-15.30pm. PROMPT: mythical monster & silhouetted image 3 figures against blue slit 

dam & blast

ahead : a narrow strait : dripping water : darkness : pale blue light : beyond : as if under neath : an endless ocean : forcing down : desiring only : to drown : anyone near : the wall whispers : of : all that water behind

in stark silhouette : a pair of Dusters : backlit black : like Odysseus facing himself : between Charybdis & Scylla : i must somehow pass : without sacrificing : myself : to either monster’s maws : this reccy : to see if : blowing the reservoir wall : was feasible : or even wise : has turned dark & dangerous : & i don’t know : how to flee : as i’m sure : they’ve detected me

though : from what i can tell : they’ve yet to move : or sound an alarm : but how would i know : they might communicate : telepathically : or via built-in transmitters : inside their oversized : helmets 

Stella is only a couple of ks away : scouting supplies : at the farm : where i stole : the petrol & the fertiliser : & a mere 20 minute drive : from the quarry : where we pinched : the dynamite

surely the base is too thick : if it’s not timed right : it won’t even make a dent : perhaps atop the wall : will use a gash : big enough for the force of megatons of rushing water : to rip more down : & so become a self-fulfilling prophecy 

the pirate radio : suggest they were : surprised by salt : it seems their home world : is freshwater only : if that’s even : chemically possible :

(Hour 15) 12.30pm-13.30pm. BOTH PROMPTS: lust + delicate leaves


after another wonderful
very physical session

we lie back staring up
so much star-staring

he’s talking of course
telling me his crazy dreams 

& i feel as see-through
& light

as the skeletal filaments
of a leaf left too long on the tree

only criss-crossing membranes
remain in remembrance of what

once was


(Hour 14) 11.30am-12.30pm. 1.5 PROMPTS: photo of mushrooms by boots + kinda a folk tale with a twist



time is more
than standing still
it’s lying on its back
staring at the stars

button : champignon : portobello : baby-bella : Swiss brown : Roman brown : chestnut

Ryan keeps saying words
like a broken but beautiful song

oyster : Shiitake : paddy straw : golden needle : snow fungus : silver ear : white jelly 

colours enhance, contrast
strange lights everywhere, auras, halos

beech : wine cap : burgundy : velvet pioppini : black poplar : lion’s mane : monkey head : bearded tooth : satyr’s beard : hedgehog : pom pom : stinkhorn : veiled lady.

surfaces ripple, shimmer, tripple & breathe
objects warp, morph, change solid colours

hen of the woods : Truffles : black summer : Chinese black : smooth black
porcini (pig mushroom) : (stone mushroom) : (wolf mushroom)

i’m melting into the earth, into the sky
his voice so beautiful, deep, soft

puffball : Trompette de la mort : trumpet of death : horn of plenty

then he’s just repeating

horn : horn : horn : horn : horn

& so we laugh until we fall asleep

(Hour 12) 09.30-10.30am. BOTH PROMPTS: a gathering + photo of several drums

drumming circle 

another group of those : half humans : burnt by the Pulse : possibly made mad : by the pain : have surrounded our camp : i’m angry at myself : i didn’t even know we were being followed : perhaps the winery itself: had been a trap : & we’d blundered in : blind as bunnies

Stella immediately : moved to protect Rueben : who wriggled away : someone needed to acknowledge : her baby bro : was growing up

Milky growled : the boy looked : like he’d turned to stone : it was the girl who suddenly : took the initiative : dashing into one of the smaller rooms : emerging quickly : with a couple of big white plastic buckets : the type bulk food for restaurants like mayonnaise : use : obviously something goes into the wine : anyway : it doesn’t matter : she started drumming on the base of one : tossed the other to the boy : who caught it : & quickly did the same 

the Pulsers stopped : confused perhaps : Rueben understanding quicker than us : broke free & ran into the same room : returning with 3 more buckets & 3 empty wine bottles : to use as drumsticks : for extra bangability 

soon we had : a wild rhythm : going : including wild roars : hollers : screams : & yelps : as well as a canine chorus : from Milky : delighted he could join in : the chaos 

by the time we realised : they’d all fled : we were having : a crazy rumpus : of a war dance crossed : with wild animals fighting

before we met you : when we were : when it was : just : the two of : us : we discovered : they didn’t seem to like noise 

i’m Priya : this is Ben 

Stella & i grinned at each other : then at the little ones

i think this calls for a feast 

(Hour 11) 08.30-09.30am. TEXT PROMPT: laughter poem without using laugh words

not funny

all five of us
holding it in
as best we can

despite feeling
slightly mad
under the strain

they’re so close
we hear their
near silent hum

intelligent machines
hunting half blind
but ultra alert

to life forms
they consider
a threat

the trouble is
Milky just farted
& we are all

shaking silently
fit to bursting
at the absurdity 

of a flatulent dog
potentially costing us
               our lives


(Hour 10) 07.30-08.30am. VISUAL PROMPT: looking up at a couple touching foreheads from below

chins +

it’s a long time : since i’ve thought about : being 7 : if i ever did : when i was 7 : i think i just was : no thinking required : but today i gained insight : into how the boy : ( we really do : need to work out : a name for him : sooner ) must feel about : his spooky upside down : new world

while kneeling : to retie : one of his laces : again : despite my best : double knots : they’re repeatedly coming undone : Stella & Rueben had one of their : allegedly harmless : disagreements : on which is the better film : Frozen : or : Tangled : my opinion : neither sought : nor given : following my (again “allegedly”) unhelpful remarks : in earlier iterations : of this oft-repeated argument : despite : the answer : obviously being : The Lion King : (original version) : i saw what the boy sees : a forest of strangers’ chins : & up-inside-nostrils : & long-way-off-faces : looking alarmed : alert : & apprehensive : all at once

so while we are : essentially : all looking skywards : anxious of AI pods : & drones : & god knows what : other death-dealing : monstrosities : he’s doing that too : plus with chins : & pimples : & boofheads : & meaningless arguments : about Disney : blocking much of the view