We watched her for days
Clinging to the helium birthday balloon
An intricate web spun
from balloon to string
She stayed in the middle
Cast to her winds of fate
A tornado from the ceiling fan
Around and around
No other spider
Had her own carnival ride
I was curious
Was it enjoyable for her?
Did she know she could climb down the string to get off?
I wondered if she got nauseated or dizzy
Did she feel overwhelmed, confused?
She was there for days,
Spinning, swaying, swirling, dipping
Dipping, swirling, swaying, spinning
Her own distorted vision of a world gone mad
She disappeared
Had she got off at last?
Had she spun her way to safety?
Did she meet her spiderly demise
After a lunch of delicious gnat or fly?
I hoped for a happy ending
Today a confession
She had been murdered
My weary husband
He had grown tired wondering
If the spider would land in his hair
He either ended her misery or ended her joy
Her web is gone
The balloon still sways,
Dipping spinning swirling
As if she were still there
No other spider
Dare take her place
No other spider ever could