My mom stands there
In here work clothes none less
Yet she looks like a queen
Her hair is short and dark
Her eyes blue like mine
I want to be her one day
Strong, brave, and confident
Rhyana Juutilainen
WRITING AND ME- My name is Rhyana and I love putting beautiful words together to create something beautiful. For me that is the definition of writing but poetry specifically. FUN FACTS- I can crack my ears and I really like narwhals. I am doing the half-marathon .
Poem 20
You were my friend
You were my bacon of the day
You made everything better
So what chanced
Was that you ignored me
Or took advantage of me
Possible that you looked at me like garbage
No it was that you walked away when I needed you most
Poem 19
You left me in the rain
You said you would be back with an umbrella
It has now been 2 hours
Yet I have stayed
Why did I stay in the rain
Because I believed that you would come back
And I still believe
Poem 18
You called me fat
You called me ugly
You called me freak
You called me stupid
You made fun of me
You made me hate myself
You made the decision
You were the one that put me in this bed.
Poem 17
I was born scar on my face
I was made fun of for it
Everybody would laugh
Except for one boy
He looked mad
He made me feel less freakish
I want to thank him
He made me think people could be good
Poem 16
I reach my hand into a box
At first I feel nothing
Then I feel another hand
It grabs my hands
At first gentle but gets tighter
Then it starts to pull my hand
Into the box I start to go
When it lets go I stop falling
There in front of me are two doors
One says, “To Fall more”
The other says, “To be broken”
The second sounds painful so I choose to fall more
I walk through the door and start falling
But this time I choose to fall
It feels like I’m falling forever when I finally stop again
This time there is only one door
It says, “To be broken”
I have no choice to go through the door
I take a step into the door and pain rips through me
Then I’m standing in front of the box again but now there is a sign
Poem 15
Darkness is hope
Freedom is chains
Safety is a tightrope
Danger still remains
Light will bring pain
Poem 14
You make me happy
When all else fails
I turn to you
You laugh at my jokes
When I make a joke of something
You laugh not get mad
You are my rock
When I need to rant
You let me tell you
You are my friend
When all others fail
You rise above
Poem 13
In your eyes
I am a mat
You step on
You walk all over me
But it’s nice to have me you need to get some stuff out
And I let you
In your eyes
I am a painting
You like having me around
You only admire me
But it’s only right to look at for a while before you need a new one
And I let you
In your eyes
I am a jacket
You need me to protect me
You make yourself look better
But getting rid if me is what you do best
And I let you
I finished the half marathon. Now I’m going to try to finish it all. Wish me luck!