He Is Coming and I Am Here – Hour Eighteen

“He is coming and I am here” – The Time Traveler’s Wife.

He is coming and I am here
A reunion long in coming
He’s finally back on US soil
Back with our family again
He’s safe, he’s near, he’ll be here soon
He’ll meet his girl at last
We have much catching up to do
And I can hardly wait

He is coming and I am here
It’s raining tears of joy
He made it back, the war is done
He’s made us all so proud
His time is up and just begun
He’ll share with us once more
I cannot speak to just how great
It is he’s almost home

He is coming and I am here
His plane is landing now
It won’t be long til we embrace
It seems its been too long
I see him now, he sees me too
I’ve got so much to do
But, first I must now let you go
He’s home, my dream’s come true

Wedding Memories – Hour Seventeen

Once upon a rainy morn
I took a sacred vow
A future bright and newly born
Twas lastly there somehow

I took a sacred vow
It began a whole new life
For in the here and now
I was, at last, a wife

A future bright and newly born
A long road wound ahead
Earmarked by vows that I have sworn
On the day that we wed

Twas lastly there somehow
The day that changed our world
And despite time now passed
You’re mine with arms unfurled

Almost Midnight – Hour Sixteen

The hour is getting later
And my head begins to spin
But I will keep on writing
Exhaustion will not win
I’m pushing towards the finish
Inching closer every hour
With coffee, I will make it
I shall harbor the power

I am feeling a twinge of pain
My head and back both hurt
But I know I’m moments away
From a brain fueled writing spurt
The writing block will leave me soon
And I will trudge ahead
It won’t be too much longer
Before I’m nestled in bed

For now, I must keep writing
These poems won’t write themselves
Getting them out right now is better
Than words being top shelf
My focus is now foggy
But enough of my rhyme
I’m now left here to question
Do you happen to know the time

Crystalline Leaves – Hour Fifteen

Icy clear and heart shaped too
These special leaves speak me and you
A perfect pair through imperfection
Providing moments of reflection
The humble start that we embraced
The difficulties we have faced
And like the pair, we still stand tall
All for one and one for all

A focal point, with white beneath
The leaves themselves serve to bequeath
A life of memories in their wake
Of hopes and dreams and steps to take
A glimpse upon a future’s past
Of journey’s laid barren to last
With no facades and no regrets
Brought to light lest one forgets

The crystalline leaves before us now
Shine brightly filled with light and wow
A prism ’round their edges shown
The greatest times our lives have known
Icy clear and heart shaped too
The leaves reminding me of you
Beauty and poise, pristine and pure
Despite the climate we endure

Opposites Attract – Hour Fourteen

You’re the butter to my jelly
The ice cream to my cone
The waffle to my syrup
The lemon to my scone

You’re the creamer to my coffee
The ketchup to my fry
The sausage to my pizza
The corned beef to my rye

You’re the chocolate to my cupcake
The bacon to my toast
The cheddar to my burger
The carrots to my roast

For many different reasons
And many different ways
We’ll scale this world together
Until our dying days

We may be apples and oranges
If we’re being exact
But we’re still great for each other
Because opposites attract

The Fireflies’ Promise – Hour Thirteen

I put on my boots to the laughter of young children
I stroll outside with my lantern to search for the fireflies
The sky is clear and the evening appears perfect
There is a light breeze tapping the ferns and beech trees
In the distance, notes from a piano sound beautifully
It is nearly dark, nearly showtime
I shudder with excitement over the wonder soon to appear
I remember catching a firefly once in my palm, as a child
But mostly, I have simply admired them from afar
This night, I yearn only to relive a piece of my youth
And to ask them a favor
Now that my time is nearing its end, I may not ever see this sight again
The cancer is becoming too intense, too great a mountain for me to scale
As nightfall comes, I’m aware of my own looming near
As I gaze to the West, the setting sun falls beneath the horizon
I sit alone with my thoughts – a lifetime before my eyes – and I wait
In some ways, I long to wait all night, drinking in each moment, as moments are now so precious
But before long, the lightshow begins
The fireflies must have known as I waiting
They come in full force, embracing me in their light and warmth
As if to bless my requested promise and to say goodbye, all at once
I was grateful

From here within Heaven, looking down towards earth
I wonder if the fireflies remember me as fondly as I do them
Whether they do or they don’t really does not matter
For as long as they continue to shine their light on my children
Letting them know – through their warmth – that I’m always with them
After all, a promise is a promise

The Mighty River – Hour Twelve

The mighty river flows along
Spray rolling o’er the dam
Babbling its own melodic song
As gently as a lamb

Spray rolling o’er the dam
While kissing each rock and twig
As gently as a lamb
Nestled amid the fig

While kissing each rock and twig
The morning dew refreshes the earth
Nestled amid the fig
Though uncertain of its worth

The morning dew refreshes the earth
Its scent as fresh as it is strong
Though uncertain of its worth
The mighty river flows along

Ode to Joe – Hour Eleven

Joe, I love seeing you first thing every morning
You are always there to wake me with a smile
I taste you on my lips and my soul is awakened
I feel alive again
I would not ever be able to exist a day without you
Your addictive qualities keep me coming back for more
I love you and I know you love me back
Why? Because you – and only you – can make me happy first thing in the morning
Joe, I am so glad that you are mine
We’ll be together forever
’til death do us part
Because a love like ours is a love too special a bond to ever break

Eliza the Forgetful Elephant – Hour Ten

Eliza the Elephant was a strong and personable friend to many but she has one problem. She was forgetful. Being forgetful is not a good trait for elephants. Not only was Eliza ridiculed by many, especially the hyenas, for it, she also struggled in school. Be it forgotten homework or forgetting what she learned in class, she suffered and this made Eliza very sad. Her parents tried everything: working with flashcards, writing notes, tying strings around her trunk – all in an effort to help Eliza remember. Nothing worked. Being forgetful broke Eliza’s heart and her deep despair made her forget things even more.

One day, her teacher, Ms. Marsupial, had an idea:

“What if we try to teach you the piano?”  Ms. Marsupial asked.
“How can I learn the piano – a whole musical instrument – when I can’t even remember my ABCs? Eliza exclaimed through tears.
“How about trying, Eliza? There’s no shame in it if you can’t and you’ll never know until you try.”  the teacher pleaded.
Eliza did not believe her teacher but agreed to try. Suddenly, Eliza was seated at the piano and found that she loved the sounds that the notes made.

Within a week, Eliza lived and breathed her time at the piano. She told her family about what she learned at every lesson, finally remembering something. She even tried writing her own songs and excitedly shared each with her teacher. Eliza focused so much on the piano she simply forgot about being forgetful.

Before too long, Eliza neared her first piano recital. But, not before a familiar problem came back: she felt afraid of being forgetful.

“What if I forget the notes?”
“What if I forget my song. What if  – ”
Her parents and Ms. Marsupial stopped her.

“You’ll do fine, Eliza.” they all exclaimed. “Just remember how much joy playing the piano brings you and let that be your guide.”

And that is exactly what Eliza did. As everyone predicted, everything did turn out fine. Eliza never forgot a note.
“We’re all so proud of you!” Eliza’s parents and Ms. Marsupial said, while the audience gave her a standing ovation.
“Take a bow, dear.”
Eliza happily took that bow, feeling nothing but pride for having tried and succeeded. As luck would have it, she never struggled with her memory again.

Shadowed Gray – Hour Nine

In the darkness
Twinkling stars, the strawberry moon
Speeding meteors

In the light
Bright sunshine, wispy clouds
Flying birds

And yet, the world is but a shadowed gray


Prompt 10 from the 2019 Poetry Marathon – Hour 8