
Never had soda at home

only when sick

coke or ginger ale

handed over like gold.

Coke down cellar

in glass bottles.

Ginger ale with the liquor.

We drank Hawaiian punch

can you find it now?


I sit here camouflaged

against the yard.

I’m bright yellow

and blend with the flowers.

Food is near

seed and butterfly flowers.

I’m lucky for this

vast menu.


Dear Joyce

I’m watching you daily. The noisy cardinal

in your yard. Yeah, that’s me keeping an eye

on you. You’re doing great, don’t stop now.

Love you Curly,



The pavement cracked

over the soggy ground.

Green sprouts emerged

and sunflowers exhalted.

Making their own space

away from the oak tree

with a sign nailed to it

Don’t pick the flowers.


Simple life

without technology.

Technology that hasn’t helped.

Some abuse it,

others don’t use it.

Is it worth the effort?

Does it help?

or only offer false hope.

Hour #3


notes blend


Love the cello

Music soothes

when played gently

Hour #2

Miles to go before I sleep

starts when I rise

the list too long in size.

Things to do, places to be

stuff to see.

So much to do

and when I’m through

there’s still more to do.

The list grows on and on.


Hour #1

Beach water so cold,

so refreshing.

Challenging surf

made me a better swimmer.

One day, my friend and I

rode our bicycles to the beach.

The waves were big

a challenge to conquer.

Life guard on duty.

We dove in, body surfed

one huge wave after another.

The next day

we hear why the waves were so huge.

A hurricane is brewing, not far away.

Today technology would ruin

that fun day.

Lifeguards would not allow anyone

in the water, red flags would fly.

Life before we knew, before it happened.

Taking chances before technology.

Two hours and two minutes to starting time.

Hello Again

I’m back. So excited to participate again. I wait eagerly every year. I was afraid I may not be able to participate because two days ago my arthritis was not making life good. Luckily it was all due to the weather and passed. WordPress was also not working for me, that too got straightened out. I’m here now ready to go. I have my snacks, music, and for most of the Poetry Marathon time I’ll have my house to myself. I’m sure my cat will demand attention but that’s okay.

Was 2014 the first Poetry Marathon? I keep all my Poetry Marathon stuff together and found August 23-24, 2014 was my first. Wow, I’ve become addicted to this event.

Good luck to all